
The other little boy

 So you hear people say oh that's the other man. Well there is another saying that's the other little boy.  I don't know what it is but this little cutie has worked his way in to my heart. Shh don't tell Monkey.  ;)  I got the privilege of watching this cutie for the day while his Daddy graduated with his Masters Degree. Then once our kids were out of school we went to meet up with everyone for the celebration. He was so easy going and loved playing with my little mans toys the time flew bye.  We went and grabbed my kids ran home real quick and then off to the celebration. Of course I tried to get him to take a nap but wouldn't take one until we were on our way downtown for dinner. My two kids in the back were trying to wake him up and I kept saying let him sleep..  It was just a power nap and were good to go.

 Let's eat cake!
Now this is what happens when you let a 7 year old have your camera. 

Some how I never got a picture of the Graduate! Go figure.  Congratulations Craig we are very proud of you~

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