
Trick or Treat?

 Well this year the kids went trick or treating for the first time. In past years we've stayed home and passed out candy and gone to a community event at church.  This year we took Wiggles and Monkey trick or treating.  I've gotta say I'm not a big fan of Halloween or even trick or treating.  You tell your kids don't talk to strangers 364 times a year but 1 time a year you go door to door (strangers doors) and ask for candy.  Hmmm   Anyways we took them down our street over to our friends Parents house and then home.  Thankfully our son was not really into it and kept asking to go home.  They got enough candy to fill a Costco size Pretzel container.  I've since told my husband that I'm going to make him take it to work so they can take care of it.  Cause we all know I don't need that stuff around. So here are some pictures of our little walk.  Oh and yes my husband made them ask what the score was on the football game.  Cause he wanted to know.  And my kids were more then willing to ask.  They were the most polite trick or treaters that these neighbors have ever seen.  Pleases and Thank Yous and compliments to the home owners. 
The two ready to go. Iron Man and Princess.
 Last minute I went to the grocery store on Halloween and picked up a pumpkin.  Went online and found an Angry Bird stencil and since Monkey loves them I surprised the kids with this when they got home. 

Walking the neighborhood.  Poor Monkey's mask kept falling so he couldn't see where he was going.  He tried his best the eye slits were just that slits which really when you look it's a miracle any kid would be able to see out of it. 
Ahh yes! Wiggles asked for a piece of candy so I gave her a warhead to try.  Sadly we only had one otherwise I would have had Monkey try one too.  If you like sour that's the candy to try.  I remember as a kid trying the warheads, so I thought it only fair to make mine try them too. :) They had fun with the trick or treating.  I would have done better hanging out at home. 

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