
Beach Camping

Thanks to some friends we were able to get some awesome campsites on the beach!!  The best part there were 7 families and we all get along and so do our kids!!  In total I think there were 16 kids and 16 adults.  Pretty good ratio I think.  So we packed up the Hilton (trailer) and headed out to the beach.  Wiggles and Monkey were so happy to have their friends there. We'd love to go again to the beach but also go camping with these families.  

Here are the kids playing on the beach at least some of them.  So much fun.  The sun was out the day we got there but then it hid the rest of the weekend.  That's okay though saved lots of us from getting burnt. :) 
Monkey and a friend playing "tennis" it was set up for volleyball or badminton but Monkey kept calling it "tennis".  
The Dad's trying to catch a fish or two.  Nothing bit but the kelp.  Maybe another day.  They had fun which is the important part. 
Monkey and his Daddy.  
For Christmas the kids received a metal detector.  We thought it would be a fun activity for the kids. Above Wiggles trying to find treasure, she'd find the legs of the beach chairs but nothing else.  Below a group of kids using it.  They never did find any treasure.  Next time we will probably go out before the kids and "plant the treasure".  It will be more fun that way.  
Another fun past time for the kids was kite flying.  Below Wiggles is flying one of the many kites we had out there.  
Another past time that the kids liked was playing in the dirt and water.  
Now the best picture of the trip.  Wiggles decided to really play in the dirt. Wow that girl was dirty!!  
Dirty and happy as a clam.
Can't wait to go back there again! Everyone had a great time!!!

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