
Awana is over for now

We'll at the beginning of the month we had our last meeting for AWANA's. This means that G Monkey is done with Cubbies and will move on to Sparks in the Fall. This also means that B Monkey will join Cubbies in the Fall. I will continue to serve in Cubbies. More then likely I will serve in the class that B Monkey is not in. Though I would love to stay with my current teachers it's best if B Monkey gets some indepenence from Mommy.

Afterwards we went to Coldstone Creamery for some ice cream. We did this the year before and so it seems to have become a tradition now.

1 comment:

Christa said...

is b monkey aware that he will be getting some independant time away from mama? poor thing doesn't know whats comin' -