
A camping they shall go!

So Daddy and Wiggles went out on their 2nd Indian Princesses camping trip.  They both had an awesome time. Daddy's shredded pork was a big hit and was talked about for two days.  Their tent got here just in time for the camp out.  It came on Tuesday and they left Friday afternoon. Nothing like cutting it close, thankfully UPS delivered a day early.  We didn't even need the directions that came with the tent. Good thing too cause they were for a different tent. LOL  We put the tent up in the back room to check it out.
 With out the rain fly
With the rain fly.  See the little window? It came in very handy this trip. 
So this trip they expected a rain store and they were NOT disappointed.  It turned out that some other tribes ditched their tents and came back then next day. To which most just pitched their tents in the dumpster.  Their new tent though was amazing and didn't have any trouble.  Since it was scheduled to rain they packed extra, and got a few more camping supplies like a new cooler that unfortunately doesn't really fit well in Daddy's car.  So we had to switch cars for the weekend.  Now this doesn't really confuse Monkey but for some reason it did this time and he asked when we went to get his soccer trophy "Did Daddy and Wiggles take the trailer with them?"  I had to laugh at this because the trailer was right in front of him he just wasn't paying any mind to it.  
 Daddy packing my car up with their stuff. 
A closer look of it all packed in. :) There was only two of them in the tent and car.

1 comment:

Christa said...

i miss tent camping...hope they had fun