
How does our Garden grow?

Well with miracle grow of course.  Wiggles has been asking to grow a garden for a very long time.  Since I seem to be on a roll with home projects I decided to go ahead an build a garden.  Wiggles and I went to Home Depot and picked up the soil and then we picked out the veggies and fruit.  Then we went home to build our garden.
Step 1: clean out the rocks from our little plot. 
 Step 2: Make sure all the rocks are out so we can put the new soil in. 
Oh yeah and take a pic of Wiggles looking cute in Grandpa's Tilly.
 Step 3:  Start planting the actual veggies and fruit.
 Step 4: Look at the final product and pray that it grows so your child will get to see how fruits and veggies grow. 
You might be asking what are we growing?  Well we are growing corn, cilantro, bell peppers (green and red),  roma tomatoes, zucchini and watermelon. Lots of stuff for a little garden but I just had a hard time telling Wiggles no.  We will see what happens.  So far we do have tomatoes, bell peppers and the corn is growing. 

1 comment:

Christa said...

awesome job! how cool and creative