
Orange Madness!!!

Wiggles first time out with our new church group.  Talk about having a blast! What could be more fun for an outgoing 1st grader?  Well going out with out your parents.  Well it sounds good to the kids, but they are watched and having fun in a safe environment where if your not volunteering you can drop your kid off and then for 2 hours do what ever you want or need to do. In our case it was spending time with Monkey at his choice of restaurant which was Popeye's (which when he says it sounds like Poppeye's).

So Orange Madness means that kids of elementary age go to the church youth group and hang out for a couple hours having fun dressing up in orange clothing, eating orange food, listening to a story, play games and make a craft. In our case Wiggle got to make new friends and visit with old friends.  Which she totally loved!

While Wiggles was out we took Monkey out to dinner. He was so excited because he was getting to go to a restaurant he's been asking to go to for weeks.  As you read above Popeye's.  For those that have never heard of this place it's like KFC on it has Cajun flare to it. (ie Flair = spice) I didn't take a picture though.  Just imagine him with a giddy look of joy sitting at a fast food restaurant.

Needless to say Everyone had a great time, and we are looking forward to when Monkey can join Wiggles next year during these color madness nights at church!

1 comment:

Christa said...

how cute! love the orange shirt and so does this mean that monkey likes spicy food?