
Career Day at School

At Wiggles school each month they have a "spirit" day where the kids get to dress up in order not to wear their uniform for the day.  This is otherwise known as free dress day.  Well I guess they (being the school) wanted the kids to get in the spirit of things.  So this last month if they were to have 'free dress' they had to dress as what they wanted to be when they grow up.  When I asked Wiggles what she wanted to be she said a 'Mom' which I loved but thought how do you dress up like that and do they think that's a career.  Stumped on what to do I asked again. This time she said a Captain of a ship.  Great but again I didn't want her wearing a new dress she recently got because I thought it was too nice to get dirty at school.  So again I asked and we came up with a doctor for kids.  Below is her outfit.  Later I came up with how we could have had her dress up as a Mom and if she says next year she wants to be a Mom for career day I will be ready. 
Some of her friends dressed up as a Fashion Designer, Smoothie Maker, Rock Star.....  I think Wiggles will make a fine doctor...

1 comment:

Christa said...

Personally I think she should be a lawyer - her negotiating skills and persistance and stare would be amazing in front of a grand jury.