
Mini Vacation

This last weekend was our Mini Vacation. I say mini cause we only drove about an hour north to the beach. We went with about 30 other families give or take a few. G Monkey's School had a camp out, on the beach!! Oh how fun that was even though I was sick. It was still fun. Hope we can do it again when I'm not sick. The kids had so much fun playing with their friends. Each site had 3 families on it. So we had two other families on our site with our trailer. :) B Monkey and G Monkey's favorite buddy C Monkey's family were sharing with us the site we were on and then another family too, though I don't remember their names. Here is a picture of our site for two angles. Pictures 1. Our camp site from across the street. Not very big. 2. Campsite from the street where it begin. It's not that big really you can see. 3. The backside of the campsite. Our friends tent.

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