
It's been a while

Sorry for not posting as much as I'd like. It's just been really busy here and my desire to blog has been little of late. Trying to find some time to blog and with so much going on to blog about, where do I start. Next week is G Monkey's spring break from school. So I will hopefully have time to blog about specific things again. Just a short update on things. My Dad passed away a month ago. It has really been hard to deal with. The Monkey's didn't understand at first what happened but then we talked with G Monkey and she now understands. While she doesn't understand how to be subtle about things she is doing better. It hurt quite a bit when she'd say "Your Dad's Dead huh". I've learned to deal with that, and say yes honey your right he's not with us any more. B Monkey doesn't really understand what's going on but G Monkey is doing a great job reminding him that Grandpa is up in Heaven with Jesus!! They're talking. That warms my heart because she does it very nicely and tries to comfort B Monkey. I have my good days and my bad days. Going through things is difficult no matter how much you try and prepare yourself, you never really do. I have lots of things to say but not sure I have the right words to express myself so I'll have to work on that. Easter is coming soon. Our family decided a couple years ago that we would spend that day just with My Dad and sister(s) who were in town. This year we will be spending it with my Sister and her family that is local, and I know it will be a very hard day. The first Holiday with out Dad. I'll make sure to have the Kleenex with me or readily available. Cause even thinking about it brings tears to my eyes right now. Maybe one day the pain wont hurt as bad. But with both parents gone orphan comes to mind. I know I'm not. It's hard to explain really but there are holes in your heart and for me even though I know I have family I still feel like an orphan. That will take time to heal I am sure.

I promise the next post wont be so dark.

Mama Monkey
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