
They have WHAT??

So my little Monkey's have conjunctivitis! How did they get that. Well apparently they can get "pink eye" from a regular cold. Can you believe it. I suspected something wrong yesterday when G Monkey's eyes didn't look right, then by the afternoon B Monkey's eyes were looking a bit suspicious. Both have had runny noses, a cough and runny eyes with some color to it. Anyways today I canceled all our meeting and outing and we headed to the Doctor's. We've been there a lot lately. So when their doctor came in and asked how we were I couldn't help but say Well I wish we were here for a Well baby appointment. But we weren't. So after being looked at and given our prescriptions we came home defeated yet again . We will go and get our meds once the monkey's have had their naps. Anyone have suggestions on how to help these little monkey's ??


Anonymous said...

Sugar. I hear that large amounts of sugar help cure colds and pink eye. I would start with a few teaspoons in their cereal...then just start serving them cake and kool aide at every meal - but my understanding is that it has to be chocolate cake. Could be an ol'wise tale - but who knows...it's probably worth a try.

Anonymous said...

omg that is going around like crazy !! I had 2 customers 2 days in a row this week come in with it. I had to tell them tanning wasnt a good idea. I wonder why so many people have it right now. CRAZY !!! ~karen~