
I'll hold it Mama

The other day I took my two monkey's to the bank with me. Thankfully our bank has a drive up ATM. A mother must have thought of that idea! Anyways, as I was getting my money. G Monkey said I'll hold that for you Mama. I thought for just a second well maybe Daddy's money. :) I kept the money, but when we got home I had G Monkey give Daddy the money he'd ask me to get him. Boy was G Monkey happy. Once Daddy was putting the money in his wallet G Monkey again tried her hardest to get some money from Daddy. To her sadness she only walked away with a hug.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL - weeeell at least she's kind of got the right idea....maybe she needs to have chores so that she can learn to eaaaaaaarn money....