
Please you say _____

So today I took the kids to meet up with a friend at Ikea. It's about a 20 min drive for us. On the way there this is the conversation that took place between G Monkey and B Monkey.

G Monkey: Please you say car?
B Monkey : Car
G Monkey: yeah! (clapping hands)
G Monkey: Please you say flower?
B Monkey: Flower
G Monkey: Good Job!
G Monkey: Please you say ( some big word can't remember now)?
B Monkey : Attempts to say it.
G Monkey: Not quite Good job though.

If I had a way to have recorded that I would have and posted it. It was so cute, and in the end G Monkey gave B Monkey a high five for all his hard work. It's so nice to see when the kids play nicely together, instead of yelling and screaming.

It's okay Mama

I regularly have to get blood drawn to check cholesterol levels. Well today we went to do that. G Monkey, really didn't know what we were doing, except to see Mama's Doctor. Well we go to the lab and wait our turn. We get called to the back, and I sit in the chair. B Monkey has a look of deep concern on his face and G Monkey, looks at me and says "It's okay Mama, just say ouch. You'll be okay!" She's so sweet. Before getting the blood drawn she was rubbing my arm, being oh so gentle and comforting.


I'll hold it Mama

The other day I took my two monkey's to the bank with me. Thankfully our bank has a drive up ATM. A mother must have thought of that idea! Anyways, as I was getting my money. G Monkey said I'll hold that for you Mama. I thought for just a second well maybe Daddy's money. :) I kept the money, but when we got home I had G Monkey give Daddy the money he'd ask me to get him. Boy was G Monkey happy. Once Daddy was putting the money in his wallet G Monkey again tried her hardest to get some money from Daddy. To her sadness she only walked away with a hug.


Two Little Monkey's

I'm going to try once again at this blogging thing. This blog is to write down the funny things my Little Monkey's do. I have two one little girl and one little boy. They will be known as G Monkey and B Monkey. I'm sure you can figure out which one I'm talking about. From time to time I'll post pictures of the Monkey's. That's it for now I will post again soon. With things my Little Monkey's do. Hope they are as entertaining for you as they are for my husband and I.
Mama Monkey